Saturday, December 12, 2009

November Rain



Tuesday, December 08, 2009


-- 明朝李義甫年幼時隨塾師郊遊。
-- 時值冬末春初,遠山山頂尚餘積雪,老師即景出了一句「青山原不老,為雪白頭」。
-- 李義甫俯視池水,靈機一動,就對上了「綠水本無憂,因風皺面」。


Monday, September 14, 2009





Thursday, March 05, 2009


1. 一模耳的氧原子的重量還是質量之類的。
2. 一模耳碳分子的瞎米跟瞎米。(完蛋﹍連題目都不清楚了﹍)
3. 過錳酸鉀出現了,但是我忘了是問啥。




Friday, February 20, 2009



- 誰說人是理性的! : 聰明消費者與行銷高手必讀的行為經濟學 / 艾瑞利 (Dan Ariely) 著
- 藏地密碼 之 1,紫麒麟傳說 = The Secret Code of Tibet / 何馬著
- 獵捕史奈克 / 宮部美幸著 ; 劉子倩譯
- 晚年的美學 / 曾野綾子著 ; 姚巧梅譯
- 目送 / 龍應台作
- 誰殺了喀布爾女人 : 美國女記者在阿富汗的現場直擊 / 安.瓊斯 (Ann Jones) 作 ; 廖素珊譯
- 走進泥巴國 = Clean for 2 months / 張娟芬著
- 失控的進步 : 復活節島的最後一棵樹是怎樣倒下的 / 隆納.萊特 (Ronald Wright) 著 ; 達娃譯
- 致命的均衡 / 馬歇爾.傑逢斯(Marshall Jevons)著 ; 葛窈君譯
- 英語帝國 / 克里斯托(David Crystal)著 ; 鄭佳美,林素朱譯

Monday, February 02, 2009





Friday, January 30, 2009





Wednesday, January 21, 2009


前幾天,半夜起來 debugging。想記錄點什麼,不過同事的 mail 中報告得更詳細,就先擋著先吧。

From: 亞當
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:25 PM
To: 來恩; 費迪南
Cc: 亞當; 雞米; 大衛
Subject: globalcm upgrade from 3.5 to 5.0 process

Dear All

The following is what we did during the 1/19 and 1/20

1. 2009/1/19 around 10pm
來恩 gave me a call saying that the upgrade process failed for some reasons after we try to modify TMCM's schema.xml (since there are 3 columns missing from the DB). The upgrade process is not able to run some store procedure. Then 來恩 asked me to join his WebEx

2. From IIS settings I found that there was SSL port missing on the configuration, therefore I set it to port 443 then reinstalled the TMCM 5.0. The reinstall process went well until it reached the set folder permission (WebUI).

3. 來恩 then asked Ferdy's help to compare the good TMCM's folder setting with the globalcm machine. During the process, I was not able to monitor what 來恩 was modifying.

4. After the folder permissions had been set, the reinstall process didn't get finished and stucked at the end (setup.exe). I then checked the ccgi_install.log and noticed that ccgi was not reinstalled properly. I manually removed CCGI componenet and installed CCGI by silent install script.

5. We then run the reinstall TMCM again, and finally we saw the completion screen of TMCM installation. After trying to logon to the TMCM console, it displayed the CCGI 400 error.

6. I just did a quick check of all TMCM 3 services and 8 exe files which are all intact. At this point in time, I really had no idea why CCGI didn't work. I also checked all registry hive related to the CCGI and found one which couldn't be opened or deleted. I then called 雞米's (another QA) help around (3:00am). He then joined the WebEx session as well and took a close look the services and exes. He suggested that we could restart the OS. After rebooting the machine, that locked registry entry was gone. Then reinstalling the TMCM, we had reached the final stage of TMCM installation completion. However, we still had CCGI problems (cannot reach apphost). 雞米 also found that one of process was keep doing this behavior: dying and starting until it went timeout stage (MsgReceiever.exe). I also noticed that when MsgReceiever.exe die, Dr. Watson created dump.

7. In the morning, 雞米 and I went to office and tried to collect all debug logs and core dump and sent them to RD to analyze them.

8. Afternoon, RD (伊森) was analyzing the core dump. QA (亞當 and 雞米) were trying to install TMCM 5.0 by backing up the original DB and all product profiles. Around 1/20/2009 3:15pm, RD found the possible root cause from the core dump: since we had TMIC registered as one of the TMCM entity. TMIC registered a plugin to TMCM's MsgReceiever.exe (configured in InterceptorHandler.xml). I then backuped the file "InterceptorHandler.xml" to "InterceptorHandler-Backup.xml". And the plug-in "TMICPlugin4CM35.dll" is for TMCM version 3.5 not for 5.0, TMCM couldn't recognize 3.5 plug-in, TMIC team needs to provide a 5.0 build to be able to register to TMCM.

9. In the meantime, the original DB was backuped and so did the product profiles. I remarked the plugin name from the "InterceptorHandler.xml" and restarted the SQL server then all 3 TMCM services. Aafter several logon to TMCM console there was no CCGI error but waited a while, and re-logon to the console, CCGI error appeared again.
=> It seemed that MsgReciever.exe was still having the problem. I then turned on the debug log and collected MsgReceiever related logs and core dump for RD to alalyze the log.
RD (伊森) analyzed the log and core dump, and found the root cause.
=> If the templog is big enough, TMCM will write it to the file and then do the parsing, if at this moment debuglog is turned on and is writing to the debug log file, MsgReceiever will crash.
=> We just found a bug (I will fire a track for it along with the TMIC handler hooked to the MsgReceiever problem when upgrade 3.5 to 5.0)

In the meantime (around 5:00pm), 雞米 and I were backing up the old DB and started to restore the TMCM back online.

1. When we installed the TMCM 5.0, we choosed the re-use DB option in order to use the old DB, for some reasons the installer did not recognize the old installation cmkeybackup folder. The installer always came back to the DB selection. We could not continue to re-use the DB.

2. We then needed to use the really-really manual way to restore the DB back.
=> Install brand new TMCM 5.0, detach the DB, attach the old DB, restore the old profiles, and then merge all necessary xml files for use.

(Around 9:00pm) restart TMCM services and logon to TMCM console => no CCGI error


Sunday, January 18, 2009


